
Extract your pain with ease

Sometimes a tooth can't be saved due to severe decay, damage, or overcrowding. In such cases, removing the tooth is the best option to protect your oral health. Tooth extraction is a common procedure for people whose-

  • Teeth that are too damaged or decayed for repair
  • Overcrowded teeth that prevent others from aligning correctly.
  • Primary teeth that linger and block permanent teeth.
  • Wisdom teeth complications, including impaction or incorrect growth

Wisdom teeth extraction

Wisdom teeth, or third molars, usually emerge between the ages of 17 and 25. While they can be harmless if properly aligned, problems arise when there isn't enough space for them, leading to impaction, infection, or damage to adjacent teeth.
At Pearl Dental Clinic, we're equipped with advanced technology and expertise to perform tooth extractions, including wisdom teeth, with precision and minimal discomfort. Our team prioritizes your comfort, offering solutions like immediate implants, dentures, or bridges to fill the gaps and preserve your smile's functionality and appearance.


How do I know if I may need an extraction ?

  • You have swollen, tender, or bleeding gums

  • You’ve been experiencing jaw pain or swelling

  • You suffer from bad breath or an unpleasant taste

  • You’re finding it difficult to open and close your mouth


When is extraction needed ?

  • Extraction to prevent decay and damage to adjacent teeth.

  • Infections or gum disease due to trapped food and bacteria

  • Cysts that can harm your jawbone and nerves.

Experiencing Symptoms ?

If you notice any discomfort or signs of wisdom tooth problems, don't wait. Early intervention can prevent more serious complications. Our oral surgeons are here to provide specialized care, ensuring your extraction is safe and effective.

Connect with our experienced general dentist, for a personalized consultation.

And the best part ?
Our treatments don’t break the bank


  • Consultation
  • 3D Digital Scan
  • Dental X-ray
  • Simple Extraction
  • Post-treatment care
  • Oral Habit Counseling

Smile Premium

  • Consultation
  • 3D Digital Scan
  • Dental X-ray
  • Impacted and Horizontal Complex Surgical Extraction
  • Sedation Care (Laughing Gas)
  • Post-treatment care
  • Oral Habit Counseling

Smile Plus

  • Consultation
  • 3D Digital Scan
  • Dental X-ray
  • Complex Surgical Extractions
  • Post-treatment care
  • Oral Habit Counseling

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