
Ask The Dentist: What Can I Eat With Dental Implants

blog of Ask the Dentist: What Can I Eat with Dental Implants
Category : Dental Implants

What Can I Eat With Dental Implants ?

Dental implants are the only long-term solution that allows you to eat, speak, and smile just like you would with a natural, full set of teeth. One of the major benefits of dental implants is being able to eat all your favorite foods with zero pain.

Dental implants fuse with the jawbone and act as tooth roots, providing stimulation to the bone and support to the teeth. Among the many benefits of dental implants, improved ability to eat is one enjoyed most by our patients at Pearl Dental clinic Dubai.

Dental implants allow for patients to retain 90% of their chewing ability vs. dentures which retain only 20% of chewing ability. What this means in practical terms is that most patients with dental implants are able to eat most anything that can be cut with a fork. But in order to get to that exciting stage of your dental implant journey, it’s important to follow our post-procedure food guidelines.


Can I Eat Immediately After Dental Implant Surgery ?

About an hour after dental implant surgery, you may remove the gauze sponges that have been placed in your mouth and have something to eat. Depending on the scope of your surgery, a liquid diet may be ideal for the first few days following the procedure. Avoid using a straw for at least a few days — the pressure from using a straw may disrupt the healing process.
• For the first 24 to 48 hours, consume only cool liquids.
• Avoid hot foods and drinks for several hours after surgery.
• Do not drink through a straw or use a water bottle that requires suctions for at least 2 weeks.If you’ve had a sinus exposure or bone grafting, this is extended to 1 month.

Try sticking with:

• Water
• Soup broth (extremely hot liquids may cause inflammation and pain)
• Milkshakes and liquid meal replacements
• Juice, milk and coffee/tea (not too hot)

A liquid diet might be nutritious, but it might not be particularly satisfying! There is a wide range of soft foods that you are welcome to enjoy after your dental implant placement. These foods include:

  • Soft fruits (bananas, mangoes and peaches are great choices)
  • Tender pasta (macaroni and cheese is a particular favorite)
  • Steamed vegetables, apple sauce and hummus
  • Creamy soups (don’t shy away from additives like noodles, beans and other healthy options)
  • Protein (think eggs and soft seafood over something like beef)


Broadly speaking, it’s hard to go wrong with a good variety of soups, plenty of water and a suitable amount of steamed vegetables.


What Foods Should I Avoid Eating After Dental Implant Surgery ?

There are a number of foods you’ll want to avoid after dental implant placement surgery. Eating the wrong type of food after surgery may impact the healing process.

Do your best to avoid:

• Alcohol of all types. Alcohol may interfere with your prescribed medications and irritate the tissue surrounding your dental implants.
• Tough, stringy or chewy foods.
• Food with seeds or food that crumbles easily. Seeds and small bits of crunchy foods may get stuck in the dental implant site and disrupt the healing process.
• Corn on the cob
• Gums and Hard candy
• Steaming, hot foods



Healing Implants – Chewy foods, such as steak, or foods that require force to bite into, such as an apple, can cause too much pressure to be applied to implants in the healing process. After they’ve fully bound to the jawbone, they’ll be ready to withstand the pressure of most foods.
Acrylic teeth – You will be fitted with acrylic teeth for temporary use until your implants have healed. The acrylic material is ideal for custom fitting and adjustments, but can’t hold up under great pressure. Hard and chewy foods can cause acrylic teeth to break. After your healing phase, you will be fitted with Zirconia teeth that can handle much greater chewing force.
Gaps – During the healing process the shape of your gums will transform slightly, creating small gaps between the acrylic teeth and your gums. Food with small, loose pieces such as popcorn are at risk of getting stuck and causing infection. Once your implants have fully fused to your jawbone, your gum line will likely remain consistent and your Zirconia teeth will be custom-fitted without gaps.

When can I have normal diet ?

Once all phases of dental implant treatment are complete and the restorations are in place, patients will be able to eat all types of foods. Dental implants will improve patient comfort so the foods that were too difficult to eat after tooth loss occurred, including nuts, apples, chips, and popcorn, can be consumed again. Most tooth loss treatments require special care and diet restrictions to prolong their lifespan.

Dental implants are the only dental restoration that allows patients to enjoy eating the way they did when they had their natural teeth.


Questions? Contact Our Office Today!

Tooth loss can compromise the strength, health, and beauty of the smile. Dental implants replace missing teeth with durable restorations that function just like the natural teeth. If you have suffered tooth loss and would like to know if dental implants are right for you, contact us at your earliest convenience to set up a consultation with Dr. Mahmood Alrayes


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