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Wisdom teeth are the third set of molar teeth present at the back of the mouth that emerge during the late teen or early adulthood in individuals.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

It is usually observed that most people have 4 wisdom teeth. Impacted wisdom teeth are a set of teeth that are unable to emerge or develop properly due to lack of space in the jaw. As human beings evolved, the size of the jaw became progressively smaller with time. It became harder for the human jaw to accommodate 32 teeth in the mouth. That is why the wisdom teeth turn out to be impacted and are unable to grow properly causing various dental problems. 



Some of the common symptoms that indicate an impacted tooth is as follows:

  • Jaw Pain
  • Swollen and Red Gums
  • Tenderness of the Gum
  • Difficulty in Mouth Opening
  • Cheek biting
  • Swelling and Infection of Gum
  • Bad breath
  • Unpleasant Taste in the Mouth 



Impacted wisdom teeth do not show symptoms in most people and can be left unbothered if they don’t cause any dental problem. But there are people who are left to suffer due to an impacted wisdom tooth. Such individuals may experience more than one symptom of impacted wisdom teeth leading to prolonged lack of comfort for the individual. There is swelling and infection on the gum, cavities and bad breath that develops due to food getting stuck in the soft tissues around the tooth. 

A wisdom tooth is much like an appendix, it does not serve any functional role in the body of an individual. According to a dental study, 7 out of 10 people who kept their wisdom teeth experienced dental issues in their lives. That is why a lot of dentists advise their patients to extract their wisdom teeth on time to avoid any discomfort and gum diseases in the near future. Pearl Dental Clinic offers painless tooth extraction in Dubai at affordable rates. We provide high-quality tooth extraction with the help of the latest technology and the use of advanced dental tools. 



An impacted wisdom tooth should be extracted as soon as possible to avoid dental problems in the future. A professional dentist helps get rid of your impacted wisdom teeth that cause discomfort in day-to-day life. The surgical procedure of tooth extraction does sound dreadful to most people. It might turn out to be a painful experience for you or your loved ones if the surgery is being performed by an inexperienced surgeon. At Pearl Dental Clinic, we offer effective and painless wisdom tooth extraction

The dental procedure of tooth extraction is a simple surgery that is performed under one sitting by an experienced dentist. During the beginning of the tooth extraction, your dentist will numb your mouth with local anesthesia to avoid any sort of discomfort or pain during the procedure. Then the tooth is extracted by the dentist with the help of sterilized tools that make the whole surgery safe and secure. 

After the impacted wisdom tooth has been extracted by the dentist, the incisions might be closed with the help of stitches. The socket where the wisdom tooth was will be sealed with gauze in order to control any bleeding and promote the healing of the gum. The qualified dentist at Pearl Dental Clinic will perform a high-quality teeth extraction procedure and will also provide you with the required tips that will help ensure prompt recovery after the extraction. 



Pearl Dental Clinic is a professional dental clinic that has a team of highly skilled dental surgeons who specialize in various dental procedures including wisdom tooth extraction. Our team provides the highest standard tooth removal surgery that is painless and highly effective. We have been trusted by a large number of patients to get relief from their impacted tooth problems. We guarantee a 100% effective and premium quality procedure at the best rates possible. Get in touch with our team and book a dental consultation appointment now! 

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