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If you've ever gotten that not-so-fresh feeling on a date, at a job interview, or just talking with friends, you're not alone.                                                                                                           
Halitosis, or bad breath, most often starts in the mouth and studies show that 50 percent of adults have had bad breath, at some point in their lives.Poor oral hygiene allows food debris to collect on the surface of the tongue, between the teeth or along the gingival (gum) tissue that surrounds the teeth. Naturally occurring bacteria in your mouth then break down those food particles, releasing chemicals that have a strong odor.

The bacterial film called “plaque” that occurs naturally in your mouth can build up if not removed regularly through good oral hygiene practices. The bacteria in plaque give off an odor that affects your breath.

Besides Gum infection, untreated deep carious lesions also create the retention area for food debris and dental bacterial plaque and may contribute to halitosis.

Another important factor in halitosis is the flow of  saliva. The intensity of malodor compounds is increased because of salivary flow reduction or xerostomia.  Saliva functions as a buffering or a cleaning agent and keeps bacteria at a manageable level in the mouth; thus, people with a dry mouth are at an increased risk of experiencing bad breath. Some medications, mouth breathing and smoking all can contribute to dry mouth.

Diet is a common bad breath culprit. Foods such as garlic and onions can foul your breath. Once your food is digested, chemicals that cause odor can be absorbed into your bloodstream and from there into your lungs; these chemicals then are exhaled. Diets high in protein and sugar also have been associated with bad breath.

Other factors that contribute to halitosis are pathologic factors such as:

Exposed tooth pulps and non-vital tooth
Oral cavity pathologies, such as oral ulcers, extractions/healing
Orthodontic Fixers like braces preventing good brushing and flossing
Restorative crowns which are not well  adapted,
Fractured fillings

All these  factors cause food or  plaque retention area, raising bacterial amount, putrefaction , and decreasing  saliva flow.

Bad breath can also be a byproduct of certain health conditions. It may result from infections in the nose, throat or lungs; chronic sinusitis; postnasal drip; chronic bronchitis; or disturbances in your digestive system.

Bad breath can be reduced or prevented if you:

Brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste to remove food debris and plaque.A combination of tooth and tongue brushing or tooth brushing alone have a beneficial effect on bad breath in reducing the amount of oral bacteria and substrates.

Stop smoking and chewing tobacco-based products.

Drink lots of water. This will keep your mouth moist. Chewing gums also stimulates the production of saliva, which helps wash away food particles and bacteria.

Keep a log of the foods you eat. If you think they may be causing bad breath, bring the log to your dentist to review.

See your friendly dentist regularly at least twice a year.We will conduct an oral exam to detect and treat periodontal disease, dry mouth, or other problems that may be the cause of bad mouth odor.

We at Pearl Dental Clinic – Dubai believe that everyone can have a healthy smile for life and with our help it’s easier than you think!

We look forward in welcoming you.

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